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Beware Social Media Fitness Influencers

Beware the Social Media Fitness Influencer: Why It’s Vital to Approach with Caution In the digital age, with the ascendancy of social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, fitness influencers have risen to prominence. With their impressive physiques, charisma, and often motivational content, they naturally garner millions of followers. However, while many might be...

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The Muscle Building Paradox: Unraveling the Myths around Overeating and Hypertrophy

One of the most common misconceptions in the fitness world is the idea that consuming a surplus of calories will inherently lead to muscle hypertrophy. Yet, while a well-structured diet certainly plays a crucial role in muscular development, excessive calorie consumption is not necessarily the panacea for growth. A nuanced understanding of nutrition, training, and...

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Should you explore TRT? Pros and Cons of TRT

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) has become an increasingly popular treatment for addressing the symptoms of low testosterone levels, such as fatigue, decreased libido, and loss of muscle mass. However, the decision of when to initiate this therapy is critical, as starting TRT too early can have a host of implications. In this article, we will...

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Why Calories Are Not the Only Metric for Health: Beyond “Calories In, Calories Out”

Calories In, Calories Out No More In our quest for optimal health and wellness, we often find ourselves caught in the age-old “calories in, calories out” mantra. While calories – the measure of energy a food or drink provides – are indeed a fundamental aspect of nutrition, they do not paint the whole picture. This...

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Why we’re not confused about muscle confusion

In the fitness community, there’s an underappreciated theory that’s been cause for much debate – the concept of muscle confusion. Often dismissed as mere bro-science, some argue that it’s a misunderstood, yet valid perspective that is often sidelined by science. This article seeks to explore muscle confusion from a bro-science viewpoint, and argues that it...

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Why are we so confused about muscle confusion?

Muscle confusion is a concept that has gained widespread popularity within the fitness community over the past few decades. This theory posits that by frequently changing our workout routines, we can ‘confuse’ our muscles, forcing them to work harder and therefore grow faster. Though appealing in its simplicity, the muscle confusion theory lacks rigorous scientific...

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The Anabolic Window: Why Science Doesn’t Get the Bro Perspective

The Anabolic Window: Why Science Doesn’t Get the Brospective Click here to check out our “Real Science” Perspective from Mr. Science “Bro-science”—it’s a term often thrown around with a dismissive chuckle, used to shrug off the wisdom garnered through years of trial and error in gyms worldwide. And nothing epitomizes bro-science more than the ‘Anabolic...

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growing arms

Unraveling the Anabolic Window

Unraveling the Anabolic Window Click here to check out Mr. Bro Science’s perspective on the Anabolic Window There’s a long-held belief among fitness enthusiasts, particularly in the realm of bodybuilding, that consuming protein immediately after a workout—within what’s known as the “anabolic window”—is crucial for muscle recovery and growth. This idea has been disseminated so...

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